Index Of Oncology Articles - Medi Weight Loss Berwyn
This is a list of terms related to oncology. The original source for this list was the US National Cancer Institute's public domain Dictionary of Cancer Terms.
- 10-propargyl-10-deazaaminopterin - 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate - 13-cis retinoic acid - 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin - 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging - 2-methoxyestradiol - 2IT-BAD monoclonal antibody 170 - 3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone - 3-AP - 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy - 3-dimensional radiation therapy - 4-demethoxydaunorubicin - 4-hydroxytamoxifen - 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide - 4-NQO - 5-FU - 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid - 5-hydroxytryptamine - 506U78 - 5Q- syndrome - 6-hydroxymethylacylfulvene - 9-cis retinoic acid - 90Y-DOTA-biotin
A33 monoclonal antibody - AAP - abarelix - ABCD rating - ABI-007 - ABT-510 - ABT-751 - ABX-EGF - accelerated phase - ACE inhibitor - acetylcysteine - achlorhydria - acitretin - acoustic neurofibromatosis - acridine carboxamide - acrylonitrile - actinic keratosis - action study - Activase - acute erythroid leukemia - acute lymphoblastic leukemia - acute lymphocytic leukemia - acute myelogenous leukemia - acute myeloid leukemia - acute nonlymphocytic leukemia - AD 32 - adenocarcinoma - adenoid cystic cancer - adenoma - adenopathy - adenosine triphosphate - adenovirus - adjunct agent - adjunctive therapy - adjuvant therapy - adrenocortical - Adriamycin - adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma - AE-941 - AEE788 - aerobic metabolism - aerobic respiration - aerodigestive tract - aerosolize - aflatoxin - AFP - AG013736 - AG2037 - AG3340 - AG337 - agent study - agglutinin - aggressive lymphoma - agnogenic myeloid metaplasia - agonist - agranulocytosis - AJCC staging system - alanine aminopeptidase - alanine transferase - alanosine - aldesleukin - alemtuzumab - alendronate sodium - alkalinization - alkylating agent - ALL - all-trans retinoic acid - allogeneic - allogeneic bone marrow transplantation - allogeneic stem cell transplantation - allogenic - allopurinol - Allovectin-7 - aloe-emodin - alopecia - alpha-fetoprotein - Alteplase - altretamine - aluminium sulfate - ALVAC-CEA vaccine - Amanita phalloides - Ambien - amelanotic melanoma - Ames, Bruce - amifostine - amikacin - aminocamptothecin - aminoglutethimide - aminoglycoside antibiotic - aminolevulinic acid - aminopterin - AML - amonafide - amoxicillin - amphotericin B - ampulla - ampulla of Vater - amputation - amsacrine - amylase - amyloidosis - anagrelide - anakinra - anaphylactic shock - anaplastic - anaplastic large cell lymphoma - anaplastic thyroid cancer - anastomosis - anastrozole - androgen - androgen ablation - androgen suppression - androgen-independent - anecdotal report - anemia - anetholtrithione - Angelica root - angiogenesis - angiogenesis inhibitor - angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma - angiosarcoma - angiostatin - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor - anhydrovinblastine - anidulafungin - animal model - annamycin - anorexia - ansamycin - antagonist - anterior mediastinotomy - anterior mediastinum - anthracenedione - anthracycline - anthraquinone - anti-CEA antibody - anti-idiotype vaccine - anti-inflammatory - antiandrogen - antiandrogen therapy - anti-angiogenesis - antiangiogenic - antibody - antibody therapy - anticachexia - anticancer antibiotic - anticarcinogenic - anticoagulant - anticonvulsant - antidepressant - antiemetic - antiestrogen - antifolate - antifungal medication - antigen - antigen-presenting cell - antigen-presenting cell vaccine - antiglobulin test - antihormone therapy - antimetabolite - antimicrotubule agent - antimitotic agent - antineoplastic - antineoplastic antibiotic - antioxidant - antiparasitic - antiretroviral therapy - antisense c-fos - antithymocyte globulin - antituberculosis - antitumor antibiotic - Antiviral drug - anxiolytic - APC - APC vaccine - APC8015 - apheresis - aplastic anemia - aplidine - apocrine gland - apolizumab - apoptosis - appendix - arctigenin - arctiin - arginine butyrate - aromatase inhibitor - arsenic trioxide - arteriogram - arteriography - asbestos - ascites - asparaginase - aspartate transaminase - aspergillosis - Aspergillus - asthenia - astrocyte - astrocytoma - asymptomatic - atamestane - ataxia - ataxia-telangiectasia - ataxic gait - atelectasis - athymic nude mouse - ATLL - ATP - atrasentan - atypical hyperplasia - ATRT atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor - augmerosen - autoclave-resistant factor - autoimmune disease - autologous - autologous bone marrow - autologous bone marrow transplantation - autologous lymphocyte - autologous stem cell transplantation - autologous tumor cell - Avastin - axilla - axillary artery - axillary bud - axillary dissection - axillary lymph node - axillary lymph node dissection - axillary nerve - axillary vein - azacitidine - azoxymethane - AZQ - AZT
B cell - B lymphocyte - B3 antigen - B43-PAP immunotoxin - B7-1 - Bacillus Calmette Guérin - bacterial toxin - barium enema - barium solution - barium swallow - Barrett's esophagus - basal cell - basal cell carcinoma - basal cell nevus syndrome - basophil - batimastat - BAY 12-9566 - BAY 43-9006 - BAY 56-3722 - BAY 59-8862 - BB-10901 - BBBD - BBR 2778 - BBR 3464 - BCG - BCG solution - bcl-2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide G3139 - BCX-1777 - Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome - beclomethasone - Bellini duct carcinoma - bendamustine - benign - benign proliferative breast disease - benign prostatic hyperplasia - benign prostatic hypertrophy - benign tumor - benzaldehyde - benzoylphenylurea - benzydamine - Beriplast P - best practice - beta alethine - beta carotene - beta hemolytic streptococcus group B - beta-endorphin - beta-glucan - beta-human chorionic gonadotropin - bevacizumab - bexarotene - Bexxar regimen - BG00001 - BI-RADS - Biafine cream - BIBX 1382 - bicalutamide - bidi (oncology) - bilateral cancer - bilateral nephrectomy - bilateral prophylactic mastectomy - bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy - bile duct - biliary - bilirubin - binding agent - bioavailable - biochanin A - biochemical reactions - biological response modifier - biological therapy - biomarker - Biomed 101 - biopsy - biopsy specimen - biotherapy - Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome - bispecific antibody - bispecific monoclonal antibody - bisphosphonate - bizelesin - BL22 immunotoxin - black cohosh - black snakeroot - blast - blast crisis - blast phase - bleomycin - blessed thistle - blinded study - blood cell count - blood chemistry study - blood thinner - blood transfusion - blood-brain barrier - blood-brain barrier disruption - BMS-182751 - BMS-184476 - BMS-188797 - BMS-214662 - BMS-247550 - BMS-275291 - BMS-354825 - Bolus (medicine) - bolus infusion - bone marrow - bone marrow ablation - bone marrow aspiration - bone marrow biopsy - bone marrow metastases - bone marrow transplantation - bone metastases - bone scan - bone-seeking radioisotope - Boron neutron capture therapy - boronophenylalanine-fructose complex - bortezomib - Bowen's disease - BPH - brachial plexopathy - brachial plexus - brachytherapy - brain metastasis - brainstem glioma - brain stem tumor - brain tumor - BRCA1 - BRCA2 - breakthrough pain - breast cancer in situ - breast density - breast duct endoscopy - Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System - breast implant - breast reconstruction - breast self-exam - breast-conserving surgery - breast-sparing surgery - Brief Pain Inventory - BRIP1 - brivudine - BRM - bromelain - bronchiole - bronchitis - bronchoscope - bronchoscopy - bronchus - brostallicin - broxuridine - bryostatin 1 - buccal mucosa - budesonide - bupropion - burdock - Burkitt's leukemia - Burkitt's lymphoma - burr hole - buserelin - buspirone - busulfan - buthionine sulfoximine
C cell - c-erbB-2 - c-kit - CA 19-9 assay - CA-125 - CA-125 test - cachexia - calcitonin - calcitriol - CAM - Campath-1H - camptothecin - camptothecin analog - cancer - cancer induction - Cancer Information Service - cancer of unknown primary origin - Cancer stem cell - cancer vaccine - - Candidiasis - Candidosis - CAP-1 - capecitabine - capsaicin - captopril - carbendazim - carbogen - carbon-11 acetate - carboplatin - carboxyamidotriazole - carboxypeptidase-G2 - carcinoembryonic antigen - carcinoembryonic antigen peptide-1 - carcinogen - carcinogenesis - carcinoid - carcinoid syndrome - carcinoma - carcinoma in situ - carcinomatosis - carcinosarcoma - carcinosis - carcinostatic - cardin (oncology) - carmustine - carnitine - carotenoid - carzelesin - case report - case series - case-control study - caspofungin acetate - Castleman's disease - CAT scan - catechol - cauterization - cauterize - cBR96-doxorubicin immunoconjugate - CC-1088 - CC-49 monoclonal antibody - CC-5013 - CC-8490 - CCI-779 - CD34 antigen - CD40-ligand - CEA - CEA assay - cecum - cefalexin - cefepime - cefixime - ceftriaxone - celecoxib - celiac disease - cell - cell differentiation - cell motility - cell proliferation - cell respiration - cell adhesion - cellular adoptive immunotherapy - cellular metabolism - cellulitis - central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor - central venous access catheter - CEP-2563 dihydrochloride - CEP-701 - cephalosporin - ceramide - cerebellar hemangioblastoma - cerebellopontine - cerebral hemisphere - cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid diversion - cervical - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - cervix - cetuximab - cevimeline - CGP 48664 - Chamberlain procedure - chemoembolization - chemoimmunotherapy - chemoprevention - chemoprevention studies - chemoprotective - chemoradiation - chemoradiotherapy - chemosensitivity - chemosensitivity assay - chemosensitizer - chemotherapeutic agent - chemotherapy - chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy - chest x-ray - chiasma - child-life worker - chitin - chlorambucil - chlorine - chloroma - chloroquinoxaline sulfonamide - cholangiocarcinoma - cholangiosarcoma - cholelith - cholestasis - chondrocyte - chondroitin sulfate - chondrosarcoma - chordoma - chorioallantoic membrane - choriocarcinoma - choroid plexus tumor - CHPP - chronic granulocytic leukemia - chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis - chronic leukemia - chronic lymphoblastic leukemia - chronic lymphocytic leukemia - chronic myelogenous leukemia - chronic myeloid leukemia - chronic myelomonocytic leukemia - chronic phase - chronic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia - CHS 828 - CI-1033 - CI-958 - CI-980 - CI-994 - ciclosporin - cidofovir - cilengitide - cimetidine - Cipro - ciprofloxacin - circulatory system - cirrhosis - CIS - cisplatin - citric acid/potassium-sodium citrate - cladribine - clarithromycin - clear cell adenocarcinoma - clear-cell sarcoma - clear cell sarcoma of the kidney - clinical breast exam - clinical resistance - clinical series - clinical study - clinical trial - CLL - clodronate - clofarabine - CML - CMML - CMV - cnicin - CNS - CNS metastasis - CNS prophylaxis - CNS sanctuary - CNS tumor - co-culture - co-trimoxazole - coactivated T cell - cobalt 60 - Cockayne syndrome - coenzyme Q10 - cohort study - COL-3 - cold nodule - Coley's toxins - collagen disease - collagenase - collecting duct - coloanal anastomosis - coloanal pull-through - Colorectal cancer (colon cancer) - colon polyp - colonoscope - colonoscopy - colony-stimulating factor - colorectal - colposcope - colposcopy - combination chemotherapy - combretastatin A4 phosphate - comedo carcinoma - common bile duct - comorbidity - compassionate use trial - complementary and alternative medicine - complete blood count (CBC) - complete hysterectomy - complete metastasectomy - complete remission - complete response - compound nevus - compression bandage - computed tomographic colonography - computed tomography - computed tomography colography - computerized axial tomography - computerized tomography - concurrent therapy - condylomata acuminata - cone biopsy - congestive heart failure - conization - consecutive case series - consolidation therapy - contiguous lymphoma - continent reservoir - contingency management - continuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion - continuous infusion - contralateral - control animal - control group - controlled clinical trial - controlled study - conventional therapy - conventional treatment - cooperative group - CoQ10 - cordectomy - cordycepin - core biopsy - corticosteroid - Corynebacterium granulosum - coumestan - coumestrol - CP-358,774 - CP-609,754 - CP-724,714 - CP4071 - CpG 7909 - CPT 11 - CQS - craniopharyngioma - craniotomy - creatine - creatinine - cribriform - crisnatol mesylate - Crohn's disease - cryopreservation - cryosurgery - cryotherapy - cryptorchidism - CSF - CT scan - CT-2103 - CT-2106 - CT-2584 - CTC - cultured cell - cultured cell line - cumulative dose - curcumin - cutaneous breast cancer - cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - cyanogenic glucoside - cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor - cyclophosphamide - cyclosporine - cyproheptadine - cyproterone acetate - cyst - cystectomy - cystosarcoma phyllodes - cystoscope - cystoscopy - cytarabine - cytochlor - cytogenetics - cytokine - cytology - cytomegalovirus - cytopenia - cytoplasm - cytotoxic - cytotoxic chemotherapy - cytotoxic T cell

D-20761 - da-huang - dacarbazine - dacliximab - daclizumab - dactinomycin - daidzein - dalteparin - danazol - darbepoetin alfa - darkfield microscope - Data Safety and Monitoring Committee - daunorubicin - DCIS - de novo - death cap - debulking operation - decitabine - decortication - deferoxamine - defibrotide - degenerative disease - dehydroepiandrosterone - delayed-type hypersensitivity response - dendritic cell - dendritic cell vaccine - denileukin diftitox - dental implant - deoxycytidine - deoxyribonucleic acid - DepoFoam-encapsulated cytarabine - depsipeptide - dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - dermatologist - dermis - DES - deslorelin - desmoid tumor - desmoplastic - desmoplastic melanoma - desmoplastic small round cell tumor - dexamethasone - dexmethylphenidate - dexrazoxane - dextroamphetamine-amphetamine - dextromethorphan acetic acid - DFMO - DHA-paclitaxel - DHEA - di-dgA-RFB4 monoclonal antibody - diagnosis - diagnostic mammogram - diagnostic procedures - diagnostic trial - diathermy - diaziquone - didanosine - DIEP flap - diethylstilbestrol - differentiation - difluoromethylornithine - digital mammography - digital photography - digital rectal examination - dihematoporphyrin ether - dimesna - dimethyl sulfoxide - dimethylxanthenone acetic acid - diphosphonate - dipyridamole - disease progression - disease-free survival - disease-specific survival - distal - distal pancreatectomy - distant cancer - distraction - disulfiram - DJ-927 - DNA - docetaxel - dock - dolasetron - dolastatin 10 - donepezil - dose - dose-dense chemotherapy - dose-dependent - dose-limiting - dose-rate - dosimetrist - double-blinded - double-contrast barium enema - doubling time - doxercalciferol - doxorubicin - doxycycline - DPPE - DRE - dronabinol - drug tolerance - dry orgasm - DTGM fusion protein - ductal carcinoma - ductal carcinoma in situ - ductal lavage - Dukes' classification - dumping syndrome - duodenitis - DX-52-1 - DX-8951f - dyscrasia - dysesthesia - dysgeusia - dysphagia - dysplasia - dysplastic nevi - dysplastic nevus - dyspnea

E7070 - E7389 - EBV - ecchymosis - echocardiography - ecteinascidin 743 - ectocervical - edatrexate - edotecarin - edrecolomab - EF5 - efaproxiral - effector cell - efficacy - eflornithine - EGb761 - EGFR - EKB-569 - electroacupuncture - electrodesiccation - electrolarynx - electroporation therapy - eligibility criteria - embolism - embolization - embryoma - embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma - embryonal tumor - embryonic - EMD 121974 - emitefur - emodin - enalapril - encephalopathy - enchondroma - endocervical curettage - endocrine cancer - endocrine pancreas cell - endocrine therapy - endometrial - endometrial biopsy - endometrial disorder - endometrial hyperplasia - Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia - endometriosis - endometrium - endorectal ultrasound - endoscope - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography - endoscopic ultrasound - endoscopy - endostatin - endothelial cell - endothelin receptor antagonist - endothelin-1 protein receptor antagonists - eniluracil - enoxaparin - ENT - enterostomal therapist - enucleation - enveloped virus - eosinophil - eosinophilia - EP-2101 - ependymal tumor - ependymoma - epidemiology - epidermal growth factor receptor - epidermoid carcinoma - epigastric - epiglottis - epinephrine - epipodophyllotoxin - epirubicin - epithelial - epithelial carcinoma - epithelial ovarian cancer - epithelium - epitope - EPO906 - epoetin alfa - epoetin beta - epothilone - epothilone B - epothilone D - epratuzumab - Epstein-Barr virus - EPT - ER - ER+ - ER- - ERA-923 - erb-38 immunotoxin - ErbB1 - ERCP - erlotinib - ERT - ERUS - erythema - erythrocyte - erythrocyte sedimentation rate - erythrodysplasia - erythroid dysplasia - erythroleukemia - erythroleukoplakia - erythroplakia - erythropoietin - esophageal - esophagectomy - esophagitis - esophagoscopy - esophagram - esophagus - ESR - essential thrombocythemia - essential thrombocytosis - estradiol - estramustine - estrogen - estrogen receptor - estrogen receptor negative - estrogen receptor positive - estrogen receptor test - estrogen replacement therapy - etanercept - etanidazole - ethynyluracil - etidronate - etiology - etoposide - etoposide phosphate - ETS - evaluable disease - evaluable patients - everolimus - Ewing's family of tumors - Ewing's sarcoma - exatecan mesylate - excision - excisional biopsy - exemestane - exisulind - exocrine pancreas cell - expanded access trial - extensive-stage small cell lung cancer - external radiation - external-beam radiation - extrahepatic - extrapleural pneumonectomy
false-negative test result - false-positive test result - familial adenomatous polyposis - familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome - familial cancer - familial dysplastic nevi - familial polyposis - Family history (medicine) - FAMMM syndrome - Fanconi anemia - Fanconi syndrome - FAP - fatty-replaced breast tissue - fazarabine - fecal occult blood test - fenretinide - fentanyl - fiber - fibrin sealant - fibroblast - fibroid - fibromatosis - fibrosarcoma - fibrosis - fibrous - fifth cranial nerve - filgrastim - filgrastim-SD/01 - finasteride - fine-needle aspiration - first-line therapy - FK463 - flavonoid - flavopiridol - flecainide - flow cytometry - floxuridine - flt3L - fluconazole - flucytosine - fludarabine - fludeoxyglucose F 18 - fludrocortisone - fluoropyrimidine - fluoroscope - fluoroscopy - fluorouracil - fluoxetine - flutamide - FOBT - folate - folate antagonist - FOLFOX - folic acid - follicular large cell lymphoma - follicular mixed cell lymphoma - follicular thyroid cancer - formaldehyde - FR901228 - fractionation - free radical - fulguration - fulvestrant - functional magnetic resonance imaging - fundus - fungating lesion - fusion protein
G-CSF - gabapentin - Gail model - gallium nitrate - gallium scan - gamma irradiation - gamma knife - gamma ray - ganciclovir - ganglioside - gastrectomy - gastric atrophy - gastrinoma - gastroenterologist - gastroesophageal junction - gastroesophageal reflux disease - gastrointestinal - gastrointestinal stromal tumor - gastrointestinal tract - gastroscope - gastroscopy - gefitinib - geldanamycin analog - GEM 231 - gemcitabine - gemtuzumab ozogamicin - gene expression profiling - gene therapy - gene transfer - gene-modified - genetic analysis - genetic counseling - genetic deletion - genetic markers - genetic susceptibility - genetic testing - genistein - genitourinary system - genome - germ cell - germ cell tumor - German Commission E - germinoma - germline mutation - Gerota's capsule - Gerota's fascia - gestational trophoblastic disease - gestational trophoblastic neoplasia - gestational trophoblastic tumor - GI14721 - giant cell fibroblastoma - gimatecan - GIST - Gleason score - Gleevec - Gliadel Wafer - glial cell - glial tumor - glioblastoma - glioblastoma multiforme - glioma - gliosarcoma - glossectomy - glucagon - glucagonoma - glucocorticoid - gluconeogenesis - glufosfamide - glutamine - glutathione - glutathione S-transferase - glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase inhibitor - glycolysis - glycopeptide - glycoprotein - glycoprotein 100 - glycosaminoglycan - GM-CSF - GM2-KLH vaccine - GnRH - gonadotropin-releasing hormone - gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist - Gonzalez regimen - Gorlin syndrome - goserelin - gossypol - gp100 - gp209-2M - GPX-100 - grade IV astrocytoma - graft-versus-host disease - graft-versus-tumor - granisetron - granulocyte - granulocyte colony-stimulating factor - granulocytic sarcoma - granulocytopenia - granulosa cell tumor - GTI-2040 - GVHD - GW572016 - GW786034 - gynecologic - gynecologic cancer - gynecologic oncologist
HAART - hairy cell leukemia - halofuginone hydrobromide - Halsted radical mastectomy - hamartoma - hand-foot syndrome - head and neck cancer - Hedyotis diffusa - HeLa - helical computed tomography - helper T cell - hemagglutinin-neuraminidase - hemangiopericytoma - hemangiosarcoma - hematogenous - hematologic malignancy - hematologist - hematopoiesis - hematopoietic growth factor - hematopoietic tissue - hematoporphyrin derivative - hemilaryngectomy - heparin - hepatectomy - hepatic - hepatic arterial infusion - hepatic artery - hepatic portal vein - hepatic veno-occlusive disease - hepatoblastoma - hepatocellular carcinoma - hepatocyte - hepatoma - hepatomegaly - HER1 - HER2/neu - HER2/neu gene - herba scutellaria barbatae - hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer syndrome - hereditary mutation - hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer - herpesvirus - heterogenic - hexyl 5-aminolevulinate - high-dose chemotherapy - high-dose-rate remote brachytherapy - high-dose-rate remote radiation therapy - high-energy photon therapy - high-grade lymphoma - high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion - high-risk cancer - highly active antiretroviral therapy - hilar - histamine dihydrochloride - histiocytic lymphoma - histologic examination - histology - histone - histone deacetylase - historic cohort study - historical control subject - HLA - HNPCC - Hodgkin's disease - Hodgkin's lymphoma - holmium Ho 166 DOTMP - homoharringtonine - hormonal therapy - hormone receptor - hormone receptor test - hormone replacement therapy - hormone responsive - hormone therapy - Horner's syndrome - host cell - hot nodule - HPPH - HPV - HRT - HTLV-1 - hu14.18-interleukin-2 fusion protein - Huang Lian - human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 - human leukocyte antigen - human lymphocyte antigen - human papillomavirus - human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 - Hürthle cell neoplasm - hydrazine sulfate - hydromorphone - hydronephrosis - hydroureter - hydroxychloroquine - hydroxyurea - hypercalcemia - hyperfractionation - hyperglycemia - hypericum perforatum - hypernephroma - hyperplasia - hypersensitivity - hyperthermia therapy - hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion - hyperthermic perfusion - hyperthyroidism - hyperuricemia - hypervascular - hypoglycemia - hypopharynx - hypotension - hypothalamus - hypothesis - hypothyroidism - hypoxia - hypoxic - hysterectomy
ibandronate - ICI 182,780 - ICI D1694 - idarubicin - IDEC-Y2B8 monoclonal antibody - idiopathic - idiopathic myelofibrosis - idoxifene - idoxuridine - ifosfamide - IH636 grape seed extract - IL-1 - IL-1-alfa - IL-11 - IL-12 - IL-2 - IL-3 - IL-4 - IL-6 - ileostomy - iloprost - ILX-295501 - ILX23-7553 - IM-862 - imaging procedure - imatinib mesylate - imipenem - imiquimod - immune adjuvant - immune function - immune response - immune system - immune system tolerance - immunoassay - immunocompetence - immunocompetent - immunocompromised - immunodeficiency - immunodeficiency syndrome - immunoglobulin - immunological adjuvant - immunology - immunomodulation - immunophenotyping - immunoscintigraphy - immunostimulant - immunosuppression - immunosuppressive - immunosuppressive therapy - immunotherapy - immunotoxin - in situ cancer - incisional biopsy - incomplete Freund's adjuvant - indinavir - indium In 111 ibritumomab tiuxetan - indium In 111 pentetreotide - indole-3-carbinol - indolent lymphoma - indometacin - induction therapy - infiltrating cancer - infiltrating ductal carcinoma - inflammatory breast cancer - infliximab - infrared coagulation - inguinal orchiectomy - inoperable - inositol - inositol hexaphosphate - instillation - Institutional Review Board - intensification therapy - Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy - intercalator - interferon - interleukin - interleukin-1 - interleukin-1-alpha - interleukin-11 - interleukin-12 - interleukin-2 - interleukin-3 - interleukin-4 - interleukin-4 PE38KDEL cytotoxin - interleukin-4 PE38KDEL immunotoxin - interleukin-6 - interleukin-7 - intermediate-grade lymphoma - internal radiation - interstitial radiation therapy - intestinal villi - intoplicine - intracarotid infusion - intracavitary - intracavitary radiation - intracellular - intracolonic - intracranial tumor - intradermal - intraductal carcinoma - intraepithelial - intrahepatic - intrahepatic bile ducts - intrahepatic infusion - intralesional - intraluminal intubation and dilation - Intramuscular injection (IM) - intraocular melanoma - intraoperative radiation therapy - intraperitoneal - intraperitoneal chemotherapy - Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemoperfusion - intraperitoneal infusion - intraperitoneal radiation therapy - intrapleural - intrathecal - intrathecal chemotherapy - intratumoral, meaning within a tumour - intravenous pyelogram - intravenous pyelography - intraventricular infusion - intravesical - invasive cancer - invasive cervical cancer - inverted papilloma - investigational - inviable - iodine I 131 tositumomab - iododoxorubicin - ionomycin - IORT - Incontinentia pigmenti - IRB - irinotecan - irofulven - irradiated - irradiation - irreversible toxicity - iseganan hydrochloride - ISIS 2503 - ISIS 3521 - ISIS 5132 - islet cell - islet cell cancer - islet of Langerhans cell - isoflavone - isointense - isolated hepatic perfusion - isolated limb perfusion - isolated lung perfusion - isotretinoin - itraconazole - IU - IV - IVP - ixabepilone
J-107088 - J-pouch coloanal anastomosis - jaundice - Jewett staging system - JM 216 - junctional nevus - Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
Kaposi's sarcoma - karenitecin - Karnofsky Performance Status - keloid - keratan sulfate - keratinocyte growth factor - keratoacanthoma - ketoconazole - ketorolac - keyhole limpet hemocyanin - KGF - killer cell - Kinaret - Klatskin tumor - Klebsiella - Klinefelter syndrome - KOS-862 - KPS - kretek - KRN5500 - KRN7000 - Krukenberg tumor - KW2189
L-377,202 - L-778,123 - L-carnitine (see Carnitine) - laboratory study - laboratory test - lacrimal gland - lactate dehydrogenase - lactic acid dehydrogenase - LAK cell - lamina propria - lamivudine - lamotrigine - laparoscope - laparoscopic prostatectomy - laparoscopic-assisted colectomy - laparoscopy - laparotomy - lappa - large cell carcinoma - large granular lymphocyte - laryngectomy - laser surgery - laser therapy - LCIS - LDH - lectin - leflunomide - leiomyoma - leiomyosarcoma - lentinan - lepirudin - leptomeningeal - leptomeningeal cancer - leptomeningeal metastases - leridistim - lerisetron - Leser-Trélat - letrozole - leucovorin - leukapheresis - leukemia - leukocyte - leukopenia - leukoplakia - leuprolide - leuvectin - levamisole - levocarnitine - levofloxacin - LGD1069 - LH-RH - Lhermitte's sign - Li-Fraumeni syndrome - liarozole - ligation - light-emitting diode therapy - lignan - limb perfusion - limited-stage small cell lung cancer - linac - liothyronine sodium - lipophilic - liposarcoma - liposomal - lisofylline - Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) - liver metastases - liver scan - LMB-1 immunotoxin - LMB-2 immunotoxin - LMB-7 immunotoxin - LMB-9 immunotoxin - lobaplatin - lobectomy - lobradimil - lobular carcinoma in situ - lobule - local cancer - local therapy - localized gallbladder cancer - locally advanced cancer - lometrexol - lomustine - lonafarnib - loop electrosurgical excision procedure - loop excision - loperamide hydrochloride - losoxantrone - low-grade lymphoma - lower GI series - LU 79553 - LU-103793 - lubricant - lumbar puncture - lumpectomy - lung metastases - lurtotecan - luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone - luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist - lutetium texaphyrin - LY231514 - LY293111 - LY317615 - LY335979 - LY353381 hydrochloride - lycopene - lymph gland - lymph node - lymph node dissection - lymph node drainage - lymph node mapping - lymph vessel - lymphadenectomy - lymphadenopathy - lymphangiogram - lymphangiography - lymphangiosarcoma - lymphatic fluid - lymphatic mapping - lymphatic system - lymphatic vessel - lymphedema - lymphoblast - lymphocyte - lymphocytic - lymphocytic leukemia - lymphoepithelioma - lymphography - lymphoid - lymphokine-activated killer cell - lymphoma - lymphomatoid granulomatosis - lymphoproliferative disorder - lymphosarcoma - lymphoscintigraphy - Lynch syndrome - lysis - lysosome - lytic - lytic lesion
M protein - macroglobulinemia - macrophage - mafosfamide - MAGE-3 - magnetic resonance imaging - magnetic resonance perfusion imaging - magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging - magnetic-targeted carrier - maintenance therapy - malabsorption syndrome - malignancy - malignant - malignant ascites - malignant fibrous cytoma - malignant fibrous histiocytoma - malignant meningioma - malignant mesothelioma - malignant mixed Müllerian tumor - malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor - malondialdehyde - MALT lymphoma - mammary - mammogram - mammography - Mammotome - mantle field - marimastat - mast cell - mastectomy - mastocytoma - matrix metalloproteinase - MDL 101,731 - MDX-060 - mean survival time - measurable disease - mechlorethamine - MEDI-507 - medial supraclavicular lymph node - median survival time - mediastinal pleura - mediastinoscopy - mediastinum - medical castration - medical oncologist - medroxyprogesterone - medullary breast carcinoma - medullary thyroid cancer - medulloblastoma - mega-voltage linear accelerator - megestrol - meiosis - melanocyte - melanoma - melanoma vaccine - melphalan - MEN-10755 - MEN1 syndrome - meningeal - meningeal metastases - meningioma - menopausal hormone therapy - mercaptopurine - mercury - Merkel cell cancer - mesenchymal - mesenteric membrane - mesna - mesonephroma - mesothelioma - metaplasia - metaplastic carcinoma - metastasectomy - metastasis - metastasize - metastatic - metastatic cancer - metasynchronous - meteorism - methotrexate - methoxsalen - Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta - methyl-5-aminolevulinate - methylphenidate - methylprednisolone - metoclopramide - metronidazole - metronomic therapy - Mexican valerian - MG98 - microcalcification - micrometastases - micromolar - microsatellite - microsatellite instability - microstaging - microwave therapy - microwave thermotherapy - mifepristone - Miraluma test - misoprostol - mistletoe lectin - mitochondria - mitolactol - mitomycin - mitosis - mitotane - mitotic activity - mitotic index - mitotic inhibitor - mitoxantrone - mivobulin isethionate - mixed glioma - MLN2704 - modafinil - modality - modified radical mastectomy - Mohs surgery - molar pregnancy - molecular risk assessment - molecularly targeted therapy - monoclonal antibody - monoclonal antibody 3F8 - monocyte - Montanide ISA-51 - Morinda citrifolia - morphology - motexafin gadolinium - moxifloxacin - MPNST - MRI - MRSI - MS 209 - MS-275 - mucinous carcinoma - mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma - muJ591 monoclonal antibody - Müllerian tumor - multicenter study - multicentric breast cancer - multidrug resistance - multidrug resistance inhibition - multifocal breast cancer - multimodality treatment - multiple endocrine adenomatosis - multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome - multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome - multiple myeloma - multiple sclerosis - multiplicity - muromonab-CD3 monoclonal antibody - musculoskeletal - mycophenolate mofetil - mycosis fungoides - mycostatin - myelin - myeloablation - myelodysplasia - myelodysplastic syndrome - myelofibrosis - myelogenous - myelogram - myeloid - myeloma - myeloproliferative disorder - myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia - myelosuppression - myelosuppressive therapy - myometrium
N-acetylcysteine - N-acetyldinaline - N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine - naloxone - National Cancer Institute - National Institutes of Health - natural killer cell - NB1011 - NBI-3001 - NCI - nebulizer - neck dissection - needle biopsy - needle-localized biopsy - negative axillary lymph node - negative test result - nelarabine - nelfinavir mesylate - neoadjuvant therapy - neoplasia - neoplasm - nephrotomogram - nephrotoxic - nephroureterectomy - nerve block - nerve grafting - nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy - nerve-sparing surgery - neuro-oncologist - neurobehavioral - neuroblastoma - neuroectodermal tumor - neuroendocrine - neuroendocrine tumor - neuroepithelial - neurofibroma - neurofibromatosis type I - neurofibromatosis type 2 - neuroma - neuron - neuropathologist - neuropathy - neuropeptide - neuroradiologist - neurotoxicity - neurotoxin - neurotropism - neutropenia - neutrophil - nevus - NF1 - NG-monomethyl-L-arginine - niacinamide - nicotinamide - NIH - nilutamide - nimodipine - nipple discharge - nitrocamptothecin - nitrosourea - NK cell - NMRI - node-negative - node-positive - nodular parenchyma - nolatrexed - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) - nonconsecutive case series - noncontiguous lymphoma - nonhematologic cancer - noni - nonlytic - nonmalignant - nonmalignant hematologic disorder - nonmelanoma skin cancer - nonmelanomatous - nonmetastatic - nonopioid - nonprescription - nonrandomized clinical trial - nonseminoma - nonspecific immune cell - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug - nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor - novobiocin - NPO - NR-LU-10 antigen - NSAID - nuclear magnetic resonance imaging - nuclear medicine scan - nutraceutical - nystatin
O(6)-benzylguanine - oat cell cancer - objective improvement - objective response - oblimersen - obtundation - occult stage non-small cell lung cancer - octreotide - ocular melanoma - ofloxacin - OGX-011 - oblimersen - oligoastrocytoma - oligodendroglial tumor - oligodendroglioma - oltipraz - omega-3 fatty acid - omentectomy - omentum - omeprazole - Ommaya reservoir - oncogene - oncologist - oncology - oncology nurse - oncology pharmacy specialist - oncolysate - oncolysis - oncolytic - Oncolytic virus - Onconase - ondansetron - ONYX-015 - oophorectomy - open biopsy - open colectomy - open label study - opioid - opportunistic infection - oral and maxillofacial surgeon - orchidectomy - orchiectomy - oropharynx - OSI-7904L - osmolality - osteitis deformans - osteogenic sarcoma - osteolytic - osteoporosis - osteosarcoma - ostomy - ovarian ablation - ovarian epithelial cancer - ovarian suppression - Overall Survival (OS) - overexpress - overgrowth syndrome - oxaliplatin - oxandrolone - OXi-104 - oxidative metabolism - oxidative stress
P-32 - p-value - p53 gene - Pacific valerian - paclitaxel - Paget's disease of bone - Paget's disease of the nipple - PALA - palatine uvula - palliative care - palliative therapy - Palmar plantar erythrodysesthesia - pamidronate - Pancoast's tumor - pancreatectomy - pancreatic cancer - pancreatic duct - pancreatic enzyme - pancreatic juice - pancreatitis - PAP, same as Pap smear - Pap smear - Pap test, same as Pap smear - papillary serous carcinoma - papillary thyroid cancer - papillary tumor - papilledema - paracentesis - parageusia - paramyxovirus - paraneoplastic syndrome - parathyroid gland - parathyroid hormone - parenchyma - paresthesias - paricalcitol - parietal pericardium - Parkinson's disease - parotidectomy - paroxetine hydrochloride - partial cystectomy - partial laryngectomy - partial mastectomy - partial nephrectomy - partial oophorectomy - partial remission - partial response - passive antibody therapy - Paterson-Kelly syndrome - pathological staging - patient-controlled analgesia - Patient derived tumor xenografts - PCA - PDQ - peau d'orange - PEG-interferon alfa-2a - PEG-interferon alfa-2b - PEG-MGDF - pegaspargase - pegfilgrastim - PEITC - peldesine - pelvic exenteration - pelvic lymphadenectomy - pemetrexed disodium - penclomedine - penicillamine - pentetic acid calcium - pentosan polysulfate - pentostatin - pentoxifylline - peptide - peptide 946 - percutaneous ethanol injection - percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage - percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage - percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography - perfusion - perfusion magnetic resonance imaging - pericardial effusion - perifosine - perineal colostomy - perineal prostatectomy - peripheral blood lymphocyte therapy - peripheral neuropathy - peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor - peripheral stem cell - peripheral stem cell support - peripheral stem cell transplantation - peristalsis - peritoneal cancer - peritoneal infusion - peritoneal perfusion - pernicious anemia - pertuzumab - PET scan - petechiae - Peutz-Jeghers syndrome - phagocyte - pharmacokinetics - phase I trial - phase I/II trial - phase II trial - phase II/III trial - phase III trial - phase IV trial - phenethyl isothiocyanate - phenoxodiol - phenylacetate - phenylbutyrate - pheochromocytoma - pheresis - Philadelphia chromosome - photodynamic therapy - photothermal therapy - photofrin - photopheresis - phyllodes tumor - Physician Data Query - phytic acid - phytoestrogen - phytosterol - PI-88 - pilocarpine - pilocytic - pineal region tumor - pineoblastoma - pineocytoma - piperacillin-tazobactam - pirfenidone - piritrexim - pixantrone - PJS - PKC412 - plasmacytic - plasmacytoma - plasmapheresis - Plenaxis - pleomorphic - pleural effusion - pleurodesis - plexiform neurofibroma - plexopathy - ploidy - Plummer-Vinson syndrome - pluripotent - pluripotent stem cell - pM-81 monoclonal antibody - PNET - pneumonectomy - PNU 166148 - PNU-93914 - polifeprosan 20 carmustine implant - poly-ICLC - polyglutamate camptothecin - polyglutamate paclitaxel - polymerase chain reaction - polymorphism - polyneuritis - polyp - polypectomy - polyphenol - Polyphenon E - polyposis - pons - pontine - porfimer sodium - porfiromycin - port-a-cath - positive axillary lymph node - positive test result - positron emission tomography scan - postremission therapy - PR+ - PR- - precancerous - precancerous dermatitis - precancerous dermatosis - precancerous polyps - predictive factor - prednisolone - prednisone - preleukemia - premalignant - pretracheal space - prevascular space - preventive mastectomy - primary central nervous system lymphoma - primary endpoint - primary myelofibrosis - primary peritoneal cancer - primary tumor - primitive neuroectodermal tumor - prinomastat - pro-oxidant - probenecid - procarbazine - prochlorperazine - proctoscopy - proctosigmoidoscopy - progesterone receptor negative - progesterone receptor positive - progesterone receptor test - progression-free survival (PFS) - progressive disease - proliferative index - prolymphocytic leukemia - promegapoietin - promyelocytic leukemia - prophylactic cranial irradiation - prophylactic mastectomy - prophylactic oophorectomy - prophylactic surgery - prophylaxis - prospective cohort study - Prost 30 monoclonal antibody - prostate-specific antigen - prostate-specific antigen test - prostatectomy - prostatic acid phosphatase - prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia - prostatitis - protease inhibitor - protein kinase C - proteoglycan - proteomic profile - proteomics - proton beam radiation therapy - proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging - PS-341 - PSA - psammoma body - PSC 833 - pseudomyxoma peritonei - psoralen - PTC - PTCD - PTK787/ZK 222584 - ptosis - pulmonary sulcus tumor - PV701 - pyrazine diazohydroxide - pyrazoloacridine - pyroxamide
Q10 - QS21 - quadrantectomy
R-flurbiprofen - r-tPA - R101933 - R115777 - radiation fibrosis - radiation oncologist - radiation physicist - radiation surgery - radiation therapist - radiation therapy - radical cystectomy - radical lymph node dissection - radical mastectomy - radical perineal prostatectomy - radical prostatectomy - radical retropubic prostatectomy - radioactive drug - radioactive iodine - radioactive palladium - radioactive seed - radiofrequency ablation - radiographer - radioimmunoguided surgery - radioimmunotherapy - radioisotope - radiolabeled - radiologic exam - radionuclide scanning - radiopharmaceutical - radiosensitization - radiosensitizer - radiosurgery - radiotherapy - raloxifene - raltitrexed - randomized clinical trial - ranpirnase - rapamycin - rapid hormone cycling - rapid-onset opioid - ras gene - rasburicase - rattlesnake root - ravuconazole - rebeccamycin - recombinant tissue plasminogen activator - reconstructive surgeon - reconstructive surgery - recurrent cancer - Red blood cell - Reed-Sternberg cell - reflux - refractory cancer - regional cancer - regional chemotherapy - regional enteritis - regional lymph node - regional lymph node dissection - rehabilitation specialist - relative survival rate - relaxation technique - remission induction therapy - remote brachytherapy - renal cell cancer - renal collecting tubule - renal glomerulus - renal tubular acidosis - retinoblastoma - retinoid - retinol - retinyl palmitate - retroperitoneal - retropubic prostatectomy - retrospective cohort study - retrospective study - retroviral vector - retrovirus - RevM10 gene - rhabdoid tumor - rhabdomyosarcoma - rhizoxin - ribavirin - ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor - rifampin - risedronate - ritonavir - rituximab - RK-0202 - RMP-7 - RNA - Ro 31-7453 - Ro 50-3821 - rofecoxib - rosiglitazone - RPI.4610 - RPR 109881A - RSR13 - RSV
S-1 - S-phase fraction - safingol - salpingo-oophorectomy - salvage therapy - samarium 153 - saponin - saquinavir mesylate - sarCNU - sarcoma - sarcosinamide nitrosourea - sargramostim - satraplatin - SC-70935 - SCH 54031 - SCH 66336 - SCH-58500 - Schiller test - Schwann cell - schwannoma - scintimammography - scleroderma - screening mammogram - Scutellaria barbata - SDX-102 - SDX-105 - second primary cancer - second-line therapy - second-look surgery - secondary cancer - sedoxantrone trihydrochloride - segmental cystectomy - segmental mastectomy - selective estrogen receptor modulator - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor - sella turcica - semaxanib - seminal vesicle biopsy - seminoma - semiparasitic - semustine - senile keratosis - sentinel lymph node - sentinel lymph node biopsy - sentinel lymph node mapping - seocalcitol - SERM - serotonin - sertraline - serum albumin - serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase - Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase - serum tumor marker test - sesquiterpene lactone - sestamibi breast imaging - severe myelosuppression - Sézary syndrome - SGN-00101 - SGN-15 - SGOT - SGPT - sham therapy - shave biopsy - Sho-saiko-to - sialic acid - sialyl Tn-KLH - side-to-end coloanal anastomosis - sideropenic dysphagia - sigmoidoscope - sigmoidoscopy - signal transduction inhibitor - signet ring cell carcinoma - SIL - sildenafil - Silybum marianum - silymarin - simple mastectomy - simple nephrectomy - single blind study - single-photon emission computed tomography - siplizumab - sirolimus - small cell lung cancer - small intestine - smoldering leukemia - smoldering myeloma - SMT-487 - SnET2 - SNX 111 - soblidotin - sodium borocaptate - sodium salicylate - sodium sulfite - sodium thiosulfate - soft tissue sarcoma - solar keratosis - solid tumor - somatic cell - somatic mutation - somnolence syndrome - sonogram - sorivudine - specific immune cell - SPECT - SPF - spiculated mass - spindle cell cancer - spindle cell sarcoma - spiral CT scan - splenomegaly - sputum cytology - squalamine lactate - squamous cell - squamous cell carcinoma - squamous intraepithelial lesion - SR-29142 - SR-45023A - SR49059 - SSRI - staging - staurosporine - stavudine - stellate - stem cell - stem cell factor - stem cell transplantation - stent - stereotactic biopsy - stereotactic body radiation therapy - stereotactic external-beam radiation - stereotactic injection - stereotactic radiation therapy - stereotactic radiosurgery - stereotaxic radiosurgery - stereotaxis - steroid therapy - STI481 - STI571 - stoma - stomatitis - streptavidin - streptozocin - Stromagen - stromal tumor - strontium-89 - Sturge-Weber syndrome - SU011248 - SU101 - SU5416 - SU6668 - subcutaneous port - subependymal - suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid - subglottis - subset analysis - subtenon - sucralfate - sulfonamide - sulindac - superior vena cava - superior vena cava syndrome - supraclavicular lymph node - supraglottic laryngectomy - supraglottis - supratentorial - suramin - surgical oncologist - survival rate - symptom management - syncytium - syngeneic bone marrow transplantation - syngeneic stem cell transplantation - synovial membrane - synovial sarcoma - synthetic protegrin analog - synthetic retinoid - systemic chemotherapy - systemic disease - systemic lupus erythematosus - systemic therapy
T cell - T-3 - T-cell depletion - T-cell lymphoma - T138067 - T4N5 liposomal lotion - T900607 - TAC-101 - tacrolimus - TAG-72 antigen - talampanel - talaporfin sodium - tamoxifen - tariquidar - taurolidine - taxane - technetium tc 99m dextran - technetium tc 99m sulfur colloid - tegafur - teicoplanin - telangiectasia - temoporfin - temozolomide - teniposide - TENS - teratoma - terminal disease - tetanus toxoid - tetrahydrouridine - TG4010 - theophylline - thermal ablation - thermography - thiotepa - third-line therapy - thoracentesis - thoracoscopy - thoracotomy - thrombocyte - thrombocytopenia - thrombohemorrhagic event - thrombophlebitis - thrombopoietin - thymidine - thymidylate synthase inhibitor - thymoma - Thyrogen - thyroglobulin - thyroid follicular cell - thyroid hormone - thyroid-stimulating hormone - thyroidectomy - thyrotropin alfa - tiazofurin - time to progression - tin ethyl etiopurpurin - tin Sn 117m DTPA - tinidazole - tioguanine - tipifarnib - tirapazamine - tissue plasminogen activator - TLK286 - TM - TNF - TNFerade - TNM staging system - TNP-470 - tocladesine - tomography - topical chemotherapy - topoisomerase inhibitor - topotecan - toremifene - tositumomab - total androgen blockade - total estrogen blockade - total nodal irradiation - total parenteral nutrition - total-body irradiation - TP-38 immunotoxin - tPA - TPA - trabecular cancer - transabdominal ultrasound - transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation - transdermal - transferrin-CRM107 - transitional cell - transitional cell carcinoma - transperineal biopsy - transrectal biopsy - transrectal ultrasound - transurethral biopsy - transurethral needle ablation - transurethral resection - transurethral resection of the prostate - transvaginal ultrasound - trastuzumab - Traumeel S - treosulfan - tretinoin - triacetyluridine - triamcinolone - Triapine - tributyrin - trichothiodystrophy - triiodothyronine - trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole - trimetrexate glucuronate - triptorelin - troglitazone - tropisetron - troxacitabine - TRUS - tuberous sclerosis - tubulovillous adenoma - tumor - tumor antigen vaccine - tumor board review - tumor burden - tumor debulking - tumor infiltrating lymphocyte - tumor load - tumor marker - tumor model - tumor necrosis factor - tumor suppressor gene - tumor-derived - tumor-specific antigen - TUR - TURP - TVS - tympanites - Type I and type II errors - tyrosinase peptide - tyrosine kinase inhibitor - TZT-1027
ubiquinone - UCN-01 - UGT1A1 - ultrasonogram - ultrasonography - ultrasound-guided biopsy--see ultrasound and biopsy - ultraviolet radiation therapy--see ultraviolet radiation and radiation therapy - uncontrolled study--see clinical trial - unconventional cancer treatments--see experimental cancer treatment - undifferentiated--see cellular differentiation - unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy--see oophorectomy - unresectable--see resection - unresectable gallbladder cancer--see gallbladder cancer - unsealed internal radiation therapy--see radiation therapy - upper GI series - urachus - uracil - urea nitrogen--see blood urea nitrogen - ureteroscopy - urine cytology--see urine - urokinase - urologic oncologist--see urology and oncologist - urothelium - ursodiol - UV radiation - UVA radiation - UVB radiation - uvula
vaccine adjuvant - vaccine therapy - vaccinia CEA vaccine - valacyclovir - valdecoxib - valerian - Valeriana officinalis - Valerianae radix - valganciclovir - valproic acid - vancomycin - vapreotide - varicose vein - vascular endothelial growth factor - VEGF - VEGF Trap - venlafaxine - video-assisted resection - video-assisted surgery - villous adenoma - villus - vinblastine - vinca alkaloid - vincristine - vindesine - vinorelbine - viral vector - virotherapy - virtual colonoscopy - Virulizin - virus replication cycle - virus-neutralizing antibody - viscotoxin - visilizumab - visual pathway glioma - VNP20009 - VNP40101M - von Hippel-Lindau disease - voriconazole - vorozole - vulvar cancer - VX 853 - VX-710
Waldenström macroglobulinemia - warfarin - wedge resection - Wermer's syndrome - Whipple procedure - white blood cell - Whitmore-Jewett staging system - whole cell vaccine - Wilms' tumor - Wobe-Mugos E
x-ray - x-ray therapy - xenograft - xeroderma pigmentosum - xerogram - xerostomia - XK469 - XR9576
YM598 - yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan - yttrium Y 90 SMT 487 - yttrium Y 90-DOTA-tyr3-octreotide
ZD 1839 - ZD0473 - ZD6474 - ziconotide - zidovudine - zileuton - zoledronate - Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - Zoloft - zolpidem - zosuquidar trihydrochloride
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