Beneful - Purina Weight Loss

Beneful is a brand of dog food products by Nestle Purina Petcare that includes wet dog food, dry food and treats. As of 2012, it was the fourth most popular dog food brand, generating more than $1.5 billion in annual revenues. According to a SWOT analysis by Marketline, Beneful is one of Nestle Purina's more significant brands by revenue.

Purina Beneful is Killing Dogs, Lawsuit Alleges | South Tampa-Hyde ...


The Beneful brand of dog food was introduced to the market in 2001. It was marketed on the basis of nutrition. According to a company spokesperson, the term Beneful means "full of goodness". A $34 million Beneful television advertising campaign that aired that year was the largest in Nestle Purina's history. A Beneful Healthy Harvest product line, which is a vegetarian option using soy instead of meat, was added to the product family in June 2005. The Beneful Prepared Meals line was introduced in March 2006 in eight flavors. It was sold in containers that also serve as a dog food bowl. By 2006 Beneful was producing $300 million in revenues. The company spent $36 million to upgrade its wet food manufacturing facilities in St. Joseph, Missouri to keep production up with demand. Modifications were made to several Beneful products in 2010 that made it look more like human food. In 2011 Beneful television ads started airing in Austria that featured noises only dogs could hear in order to elicit a response from pets. Beneful said it was the first time advertising was produced that targeted pets directly.

In 2013, many dog owners alleged on to have dogs that fell ill after feeding them Beneful. Tests by the Food and Drug Administration found no contaminants in the product. Allegations of food poisoning by Beneful continued in social media. Beneful said the issue was caused by "social media disinformation." In February 2015, a class action lawsuit was filed in California Federal Court against Nestle Purina Petcare alleging that the propylene glycol and mycotoxins contained in its Beneful dog food brand were toxins, capable of poisoning and even killing pets. According to Purina, the company uses food-grade versions of the ingredients that are approved by the FDA and common in salad dressings, among other things. The plaintiff said there have been 3,000 complaints from dog owners with pets showing symptoms consistent with mycotoxin poisoning, such as vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and seizures. Veterinarians have said grieving pet owners often falsely attribute ambiguous, non-specific symptoms to food.

Beneful hosted annual competitions for sponsored dog park renovations, which attracted 1,000 dog park design submissions in 2013 for the $500,000 renovation.


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